Thursday, November 11, 2010

Captain Fantastic: 9.3/10

When Elton John released Captain Fantastic in 1975, he was one of the most well-known musicians. 

Captain Fantistic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy is basically an autobiography about Elton's career. Every song on this album is different than the other, which adds a nice variety. On this album, there are ballads, rockers, country-flavored songs, and just regular things you'd expect from Elton. It is a very complex album, there is barely anything wrong with it. He uses a very big range of instruments (including tubular bells which add good effect) and if you're a fan of Elton's 1973 and  1974 works, you're almost guaranteed to love this album.

Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy 9/10
The title track of the album. It has a nice little country appeal to it, with a nice catchy intro. It does start pretty slow, but gains speed. A lot of percussion instruments are used, sometimes a bit too many. The song does have a fast rock chorus, and there is definitely  progression in this song. The chorus does has a heroic feel to it somehow. It is a pretty good song, easy going but ambitious at the same time.

Tower of Babel 10/10
Tower of Babel is a ballad with a depressing feel to it. The song might not seem that catchy at first, but it is perfected by guitar riffs. The chorus is also very catchy, and powerful. This song makes a pop-rock feel while also maintaining a sad tone.

Bitter Fingers 9/10
Getting down to it, Bitter Fingers is pretty simple. It is pop, but it has a kind of sad feel to it also. It is perfected by the squishy piano sound and catchy guitar melody, but it's not the best song on the album. It does have a catchy fast-moving chorus, and great backing-vocals too.

 Tell me when the Whistle Blows   8/10
A source of groove and funk, while maintaining a semi-complex feel at the same time. Tell me when the Whistle Blows is a memorable song due to how different it is from the rest of the songs. A symphonic vibe is created by an orchestra, which comes strong during the chorus (which is for sure the best part of the song.)

Someone Saved My Live Tonight 10/10
This is the big hit from the album. It is smooth and relaxing , with great vocals. For the most part, it's very memorable. It gets really powerful at times, especially at the chorus. It is one of the more complex numbers on the album. It's an amazing and touching song with a definite hook.

Gotta Get a Meal Ticket 8/10
After a slow, peaceful number what do you get? A heavy rocker. It contains a fun tone, but it does have a serious one at times. Although it's not one of the most memorable song, it is good. In my opinion, the best part is the fast and instrumental "And I've gotta get a meal ticket."

Better off Dead 9/10

A somewhat-operatic song. You've got to appreciate Elton's piano-work on this song. In some ways, this song goes back to his self-titled "Elton John" album with its mysterious feel. It is somewhat fast. Another thing that makes this song good is the percussion. The percussion in this song is what gives it a driving tone.

Writing 10/10
Writing is a catchy, fun song. It is a bit fast, but it's relaxing at the same time. The percussion and guitar work is some of the greatest on the album. This song is very upbeat, especially when compared to the next song on the record.

We All Fall in Love Sometimes

This is a sad, touching song with some of Bernie Taupin's best lyrics. and Elton's best piano work. It is similar to the album "Blue Moves" which would come out soon after the year was over. The chorus was very moving and memorable, and was a little beatlesque. Elton's voice was prime in this song. It also contains some of the best instrumentation in the album.

Curtains 9/10

Curtains is a slow ballad with some of the most powerful and touching lyrics in the album. It isn't very memorable at first, but it gets there once the full instrumentation comes in. There is a very bittersweet tone in this song. It makes a great closing to the album.

Review copyright Joshua Curtis

If you enjoy this album, you might also like Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Don't Shoot me I'm Only The Piano Player.

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