Thursday, November 18, 2010

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 10/10

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 10/10

Elton John's 1973 album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is often described as his masterpiece. It is indeed a masterpiece, but not of complicated songs like his previous albums. Elton John had slowly been developing into a pop craftsman over the years. This album is a pop-rock album, and it's stuffed with a large selection of genres within its large amount of 17 songs. Almost all of the songs have hooks, and are quite catchy.

1. Funeral for a Friend/ Love lies Bleeding 10/10

I did say this was one of Elton's more simple albums, but I didn't say all the songs were simple. This is a good example of one of EJ's complex songs. Funeral for a Friend/ Love Lies Bleeding is a soaring 11 minute epic, containing synthesized hauntings, rock, piano ballads, dramatic progression, great vocal harmonies and much more. Its serious fast-paced rock dominates the track with plenty of guitar action, and its slight feel of pop here and there make it so it doesn't go off-balance of the GBYBR feel.

2. Candle in the Wind 10/10

Candle in the Wind is one of the many songs on this album I was super impressed by when I first heard it. It could be described as a touching yet powerful ballad with emotional lyrics and great harmonies by the EJ band. Although it starts out as a mellow piano song, it turns itself into a heavy guitar track. It is a great song.

3. Bennie and the Jets 9/10

Bennie and the Jets can be described as a pop novelty song. It is dominated by EJ's piano, and a fake audience (in which the clapping dominates much of the percussion.) Elton's vocals go very high at times. Although the song may not seem very catchy in its vocal, the piano intro is very memorable. It's a very unique song.


4. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 10/10

This is one of those great, catchy ballads with amazing instrumentals and vocal harmonies.  One of my favorite songs on the album, this pop-rock ballad is definitely a highlight. The chorus has lots of power to it, and the smoothness of this song is some of the best in Elton's catalog.

5. This Song has no Title 9/10

 Not really a memorable song, but with its fast paced-piano playing and operatic singing it is pretty good. It has very good lyrics, and the other synthesizers (this was an all-Elton song.) It is a semi-ballad with very few instruments, and the chorus is pretty upbeat.

6. Grey Seal 10/10

Grey Seal is another highlight of the album. It's fast and power-driven in the similar art-rock form as carried through the album. It's very upbeat, fun, and chaotic at times. Its mad piano and guitar bring it into that type of form.  It can easily be a hit.

7. Jamaica.... 7/10

Well, this song is fun and relaxing, but it isn't really the best on the album. It takes a while to grow on a listener. It is an attempt reggae, the organ playing is great, but it doesn't live up to the rest of the album very well. The other peoples' voices and talking during the song would be great if used to a small amount, but they get extremely annoying at times (there are a couple parts where they repeat the same thing like 10 times) and they completely destroy the mood of the song (they sound like they're fighting with each-other, but the song is supposed to be relaxing and fun.)

8. I've Seen that Movie too 10/10

This is a great and dramatic song filled with the mysterious feel of Elton's playing, amazing guitar solos, orchestration solos, and awesome lyrics. The song starts out pretty slow, but it gets heavy and ambitious. It's another great song.

9. Sweet Painted Lady 8/10

Although 1973 is looked upon as a pop craft year for Elton, there is an air of classiness in a great part of it. It really shows in this song. This is a slow-dancing song, with elegant and classy piano playing. Its jazzy mood gives a whole new genre to the album. It's not really that exciting, and it gets a little tedious upon the first few listens, but it's not a bad song at all. 

10. Ballad of Danny Baily 10/10

This song has an air of ambition to it, and a feel from a 50's movie. The piano playing is great and sharp. The instrumentals in this song are also great, and the vocal harmonies are marvelous. Guitars bring in a groove, and there is an air of drama at some places.

11. Dirty Little Girl 8/10

Dirty Little Girl is the first of four rockers, but it is a little slow for a rocker. Although its not necessarily catchy or memorable, it has huge ambition, power, and great instrumental choice. It brings a strong rock force into the album it didn't have until now.

12. All the Young Girls... 9/10

This fast rocker is put together with catchy guitar parts, ripping percussion, and a very serious feel. It does have some slow parts, but it is usually filled with many instruments and intense guitar harmonies.

13. Your Sister can't Twist 8/10

This song has a very Beach Boys-like feel, and it seems like an ultra fast version of the upcoming song at first. It is very upbeat and catchy, and even contains a carnival organ solo. The fast speed of it really helps make it danceable, and the 60's feel is something very noticeable about it.

14. Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting 10/10

After the perfect transition between these two songs, you get an amazingly catchy rock song. It is very fast, and the guitar sound dominates the song. It is fun and upbeat, but not extremely upbeat. It is a favorite for lots of EJ listeners, and a great song too.

15. Roy Rogers 10/10

A peaceful country-inspired song of Elton. It's dominated by piano and strings, and it allows lots of guitar time. It is pretty memorable. It has a warm, touching feeling. It reminds me of EJ's Captain Fantastic album.

16. Social Disease 8/10

This number is pure country. I don't mean country like Tumbleweed Connection, but I mean pure hillbilly/redneck. It does get louder over time, and has a great saxophone solo. It has rocky parts, and the majority of the song is pretty upbeat. The banjo sound is very recognizable. 

17. Haromony 10/10

GBYBR finishes off with a memorable track, the catchy and classy Harmony. The vocal harmonies (no pun intended) are great, the melody is fantastic, and the lyrics are amazing too. Harmony is unforgettable.

Copyright Joshua Curtis 2010

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